Sunday, September 19, 2021

March Madness 2020 was really just that

March was strange! It started out with the Daybell and Vallow murder stuff. They brought Lori to Rexburg. They flew her back from Hawaii and she came into Rexburg on a private plane. I saw her come. All of the Dateline crew were there also. The forensics trailer was also in town. 

                                There were camera crews waiting outside of the courthouse for days.  

Then Covid hit the world. Everyone hit the stores to stock up on toilet paper, paper towels and cleaning supplies. Groceries were in short demand. President Trump declared a country wide quarantine. Masks were required in public. The schools, theaters, restaurants, many businesses closed. Jeff and I decided we would rather be quarantined in St. George rather than snowy Rexburg. So we loaded up a lot of things like supplies and food and drove down. It was surreal driving thru Utah.  The day we left they had a big earthquake in Salt Lake City. Everything felt so strange. Covid brought out lots of funny crafts and cartoons. I wipe down everything in the house with clorox everyday. 
Here are a couple of  pictures that I love from past years.  

The shelves are empty in the stores. When they get restocked people have to be limited to what they can buy. It is very hit and miss. 

We went out to see these swans eating the grain after cutting it. 
Puzzles puzzles puzzles! We do puzzles everyday. 
Naptime in the sun. 
Cosco lines. They make you stand far apart. Only so many people are allowed in the store at one time. You have to wear your mask. 
We decided to take a day ride down to Las Vegas. It was a pretty sunny day. We drove along Lake Mead. It was fun to get out. We hiked a little and looked around. 

When we arrived in Las Vegas we were shocked. There was nobody out. No cars and no people. They were boarding up the fancy hotels. We could not find a place to eat. Never in my wildest dreams could I imagine this happening. No shows, no Hotels or Casinos open. 

Rachel and the girls came down to spend some time quarantining with us. It was fun. 
We went out on the desert. We did a little off roading. We stopped at sparkle mountain. 

One day we decided to run up to Rexburg to get our mail. We packed a lunch and drove up to Rexburg. We spent the night there and then headed back down to St George. On the freeway through Salt Lake City there was no traffic at all. Amazing. 
President Trump worked on resolving the issues. He had lots of ventilators built and added to the places they needed them. He brought in the Mercy Ship to New York to use for hospital beds. 
We had a dove build a nest in the palm tree out front. Cute!


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