Monday, January 03, 2011

Birthday diamonds

On New Years Day my Grandson Christian told me I should stay up and get a picture of the clock at 11:01 or 11:11 to go with 1-1-11. So I did. I am putting a reminder on my computer calendar to get a picture on 11-11-11 at 11:11. Maybe we should have a party for it. I will think on that one. 
 Today is my Birthday. I woke up to a beautiful day. It is very cold in Rexburg as in sub zero. One of the benefits of that is heavy frost on the trees. This morning the sun was shining on the branches and there were little "diamonds" all over them. They shimmered and twinkled as if they were real diamonds covering the trees. Perhaps click on the pictures to see if you can see them. Happy Birthday to me! 


Welcome to the Garden of Egan said...

The pictures are beautiful.

Happy Birthday!

Beth said...

Those pictures are truly worthy of exhibiting.