Friday, February 12, 2010

Picture project during the Olympics

This week we are glued to the TV for the Olympics. So I am going through my 24,000 pictures and sorting, deleting, editing and put titles on them. Then I will transfer them to another hard drive. I have already deleted over 800 pictures. Doubles, boring, bad. Gone. Here are some I have flagged as favorites. I will add more nightly as I delve into the deep files of pictures that I have. You might have seen them before but I like them. Not because they are good photos but because they are good memories. 
Leslie and Jeff googoo eyed.
Mary and Rachel at Dana Point California on a  warm sunny day.
Andy and baby Adalynne
Lynne about to pop.
Lily with attitude
Rachel Ana and Lily
Grandma and Grandpa Z
Mitch and Leslie
Christian and Grant
Pirate Ella
My summer flowers
Baldwins in Michigan
Leslie, Rachel, Matt, Magan, Lauren, Andy
Sometimes we just have to rest.
Mary in India             Grace

Jeff and the rainman RIP
Mary and her Dad
Adalynne and Oliver RIP
Jeff, Mary, Rachel, Leslie and Magan
Mary had a little lamb
Jeff and Mary at Martins Cove
Leslie, Rachel and Mary at the Little Red Riding Hood bike ride
Dad's birthday 
Lauren and Mary
Family trip to Hawaii
Wedding on Kauai Beach
Rob Lauren and Floyd
Stay tuned for the next batch of favorite pictures, wish me look I have a lot of pictures to go through still. 


Welcome to the Garden of Egan said...

Great photos and you haven't aged a bit!

Leslie said...

That was fun!!