Saturday, April 04, 2009

Sometimes I feel like a nut, sometimes I don't.

I have noticed the last couple of weeks how many people do not buckle their kids up in the car.
Buckle them up please!
That's all I have to say.
Posted by Picasa


Berta said...

"AMEN, SISTA!" Why don't you tell EVERYONE WHY! I'm sure you've seen some 'stuff' in your day!

Welcome to the Garden of Egan said...

I'm not even going to ask what in the world happened to your cleaning out the closet day?????????? I'm not asking...............OK I give...are ya tellin' me this is one of the closet clean-outs??????????? Or is this how you keep Jeff under control!?

Leslie said...

NUT, for sure!

MZB said...

Um where is the world was that!

Jonna said...

You are a nut....but it looks quite comfy! How did the cleaning go?

Beth said...

Definitely a NUT :)

MZ said...

The picture was taken at the Volvo factory in Sweden.

suzan said...

I will never understand why people don't buckle up their kids. Mine are always strapped down!