These pictures were taken last year about two miles from our house on a country road. I thought we would never have another winter like last year again. It is looking like it could be. The forecast for today is a big storm tonight. I woke up and looked out. Low and behold it is dumping snow already. The weathermen missed the timing on this one.
We are getting dumped on also!
It seems like all the storms are hitting everywhere but my house. Salt Lake City has more snow than we do up here. I'm not complaining, with Gregs new job we would be totally buried with another year like last! Fun for you though!!!
That is a great picture, we have one that looks the same from last year up by our farm. I am glad to see the snow finally. Now it really feels like christmas. So I say let it snow!!
Oh piece of cake . . . it's not even Christmas yet and we've got a few storms parked off to the west - no problem! Hey! We never went for our hot chocolate, did we?! It'll be fun to go out and get more shots!
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