Wednesday, April 23, 2014


Shaka land was on the itinerary. It is a real village where the Zulu people live. Some of the movie was actually filmed here. It was a fun place to visit. The people seemed really interested in showing us their village and life style. 

 Everyone got to add a rock to the pile. 
 We visited different areas of the village and saw some of the traditional crafts and ways of life. 

 The hut where they had a smoky fire burning was a bit challenging. They use it for medicinal purposes. 

 This may be too much info for some but she is demonstrating male underwear to keep the young guys from getting into trouble. 
 I tried on a marriage skirt. 
 Jeff hanging out with the chief of the village. 
 They did a song and dance show. Even the little kids got to dance. 
 Baboons were everywhere. 

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