We drove an hour or so out of Beijing to one of the sights where you can see the Great Wall of China. You can see it from the road snaking across the mountains. It was a beautiful area and the views from the top were great.
This is our Red Bus group. We learned to love everyone on our bus. They were so much fun. It was fun to get the group photo in front of the Wall.
First we climbed up these tall steep steps.
So exciting to be on the Wall. It is a steep combination of steps and walk ways. Everyone goes at their own pace.
Jeff did great with his new knees.
This lady did it in some really crazy shoes. Ouch.
Jeff, Mary, Linda, Chuck, Shan and Gary
There were spots where it was very steep. Jeff sometimes had to go backwards.
It was a wonderful day. We climbed the Great Wall of China!!!!
Well...I know it's not right to be envious, but I am!!!!!
Unbelievable! Jeff said they were very uneven stairs.
Not too many people can say they've climbed the great wall!
I think that is my favorite picture of you two on the Great Wall!
Imagine! You have been to the Great Wall of China! I hadn't realized that there were so many steps to climb. What were the views? Scenery? Villages? People?
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