Wednesday, December 03, 2008

Sunny days in Kauai...weatherman got it wrong!

The forecast here was kind of gloomy but it has actually been glorious. It does rain everyday but it is a fun rain and it quickly departs. It is warm and humid. Also it leaves behind rainbows every where you look. We visited the light house yesterday.

Next we drove to the North shore. It was closed to all activities due to high surf. We watched some huge waves. There were a couple of crazy surfers out there.

It was a little cloudy and foggy but you can still see a bit of the Na Pali coast from here. That is Rob, Lauren and Floyd strolling down the beach. Actually Floyd just got dipped in the ocean because he had covered himself in wet sand. He loves the sand and even eats it if given the opportunity.

Yes we are squinting because the sun is so bright. But it was post card beautiful.

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MZB said...

It looks like you are hanging loose

The Clark said...

beach closed due large swells...sounds like a perfect time to take a cruise on the napali coast.................