Thursday, December 11, 2008

Pictures that make you smile

Floyd dancing with the chickens in Hawaii

Floyd spent a day with Grandma & Grandpa Z. He scored this Manta, named "Charles Ray or is it Ray Charles?"

We saw these beautiful black swans. Look at the fish swimming under them.

And finally, drum roll please.....

There was a ladies trip to SLC this week for Christmas shopping, food and fun. We had to bring Charlene's Harley trailer to get the loot home. I will not give an explanation to this picture. You can make up your own version of the story.

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Clay Prince said...

Looking at your pictures, I can't wait to unwrap my Christmas present. And, do you remember when I ran my truck out of gas jawing with you and Jeff in the medical center?

Beth said...

Did you FILL the trailer???? My guess is yes. Floyd is such a cutie.

suzan said...

I swear I have that exact pictrue of Zach at almost that same age with the chickens in Kauai. Too cute!!