Sunday, December 14, 2008

Don't forget to check your boots!

Mother nature hit us good this weekend. (Tough on us guys just home from Hawaii). So we had to get the boots and gloves etc out. I have Amber my niece here for a while so I can once again spend my time giving out sage advice to a captive audience. This mornings advice is to always check your boots and gloves when you get them out the first time of the year for ......................SPIDERS!
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Leslie said...

I guess I've atleast taken one word of advice off of you...I always check for spiders!!!

Jonna said...

YUK.....I'll do that!

MZB said...

It snowed today here for the first time, I check our boots1

Welcome to the Garden of Egan said...

ICK, you made my skin crawl!

Beth said...

Spiders are really yucky. I check everything. I have a friend who put on her jeans after they spent time on the floor and was bitten by a black widow. She spent 2 days in the hospital. Thanks for the heads up to us all.

The Clark said...

i never check anything. am i weird?