Friday, October 03, 2008

Happy Birthday Lynne

Happy Birthday to Lynne! I found some fun pictures of her enjoying life. Hope she enjoys today as much as the days in the pictures.

Her she is in the hospital having Addie. Another "birth day". Lynne gets the award for the cutest biggest belly of all time! Do you wonder how she does not tip over? Cute!

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The Clark said...

Ah. Big shout out to Lynne. There is none finer. Seriously. She totally takes the cake (figuratively and literally - that girl can EAT! which you'd never know because she weighs 10 pounds).


Leslie said...


Andy and Lynne said...

thank you, mary! by the way, that belly picture of me wasn't when i was pregnant. i had just eaten at mcdonalds. you are so kind to think of me on my birthday and so help with our kids so we could go eat. you are awsome!

MZB said...

Happy B-day to a fellow LIBRA. I am so glad you are in our family!

Beth said...

Lynne you are the cutest! Happy Birthday.

The Clark said...

mom, i love your new pic. did you digitize it? do i get a copy? can you email it to me?