Monday, September 01, 2008

Happy Labor Day, a great weekend!

We started out the Labor Day weekend by taking down the wasp nest we showed on an earlier post. Some of our grand kids and the neighbors grand kids gathered round as Randy cut it open. Today I discovered another huge one in the big bush by my pond by the front door, so tomorrow Randy is going to don his wasp nest spraying outfit again. Pics to come.
Saturday afternoon we gathered the kids and Schwendimen's and headed out to the Zollinger fishing pond. It was in the 90's but shady and perfect sitting by the pond fishing. All the kids caught at least one fish. The fish were big and challenging to reel in. Rachel and Lily relaxing.
Even Lynne and Ava were enjoying the fishing scene. We had our hands full keeping watch so Ava would not end up in the pond.
Within minutes we started reeling in the big fish.
Ike and his fish.
Ana was a winner. She fished the whole time.
The kids had fun running around and looking for frogs along the edge of the water.
Shade and fishing fun for everyone.
Did you know there are two Mary Zollingers? Yep there are.
Rachel and Leslie Schwendimen with the kids.
Saturday was hot and beautiful. But then Sunday the storms rolled in. The sunset was spectacular as so often happens here.
Labor Day was a rainy cold day. But it did not stop us from having fun. We started out with omelettes and crepes. Everyone showed up and had their fill. Andy, Jeff, Mary, Matt & Chalene went golfing after cleaning up the mess. It was typical Idaho weather. Nice to start and then it rained a little, hailed a little and finally we called it quits. Can you guess where we ended up? Gringos! They have the perfect place for us to take the crowd. A big private room.
Tonight there is a freeze warning. Go figure!

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Welcome to the Garden of Egan said...

Sounds like you had a blast. I loved the pics of everyone. Glad to see you having fun instead of working all the time.

Jonna said...

Fishing.....that is something we haven't done in a while. I told Kenny just the other day to start fishing again. He could fish, and I will read a book! It would give me an excuse to finish the stupid twilight books I've been reading. Your family is beautiful, as well as your pictures. Thanks for sharing.

The Clark said...

thanks again for a magnificent weekend (as always!).

MZB said...

Sounds like we missed a party

Berta said...

Looks like you had a GREAT DAY with the fam - and isn't that what it's all about? It was a little lonely arourd here this year - everyone else was off camping and we were counting the cracks in the walls - ugggah . . . I'd better get used to it. I did grab the camera and went looking for fun stuff to capture! (great grammer, ha!) FUN post!

Jeppesens said...

Mary, I love your blog. It is nice to see pics of all your family. Looks like you had a good time this weekend. I am also glad to see that you guys have fun and not work so hard!!

Beth said...

You are Always up to something fun and exciting. I haven't been to Gringos in years. Guess I Better plan a trip that includes Gringos real soon.
Hugs & Kisses