Sunday, August 24, 2008

Fun trip

The last five days has been a whirlwind of fun. We started out on Wednesday driving to Park City to meet up with a group of Doctors that we have worked with many times in the Dominican Republic and El Salvador. They were in SLC for training and we met them for dinner. We look forward to working with all of them again in the future. They are great people who serve their countries teaching Newborn Resuscitation.

Thursday we met Rachel, Ana, Lily and Lauren at Hires for a great lunch. We all had turkey sandwiches at the famous burger place.

Lily always puts on her best face for pictures. We discovered on this trip that the grand kids were less than cooperative when the camera came out.
After all these years I have never seen the Utah State Capitol. Ana, Lily and I looked around inside of it. It was really nice. After our little tour Jeff and I headed north for Boise.

We stopped in Twin Falls to check out the new Twin Falls Temple. It was dedicated this weekend. Very nice. We then spent two fun filled days with the Hurst's and Baldwins. They live just two blocks apart, so we bounced back and forth between them. The heat let up while we were there so that was nice. We did marathon mall shopping, pedicures for the gals, Kung Fu Panda movie, walking in the neighborhood, house shopping for Hurst's and of course trying out as many restaurants as possible and just visiting.

Here are Mitch, Leslie, Ella and Edie. The Hurst girls
Grace was not into picture taking.
However Grant was! He will soon be 11. I told him it seems like just yesterday he was born. By time that much time passes again he will have returned from his mission. Hard to believe.
Below the Baldwin's pose for the camera (excluding Grace who held out to the end). She did put on a nice concert for us singing along with music on the CD player.
Edie finally put on a smile for me. Thanks everyone for a great trip. We had a blast. Well except for the mind boggling noise at dinner Saturday night. As you all know I do not like lots of noise. We went to Dave's Famous Ribs and you could not even think it was so noisy.
Oh and we arrived back in Rexburg Sunday evening. Stopped at Andy's to drop off some clothes for the girls from Leslie. Lynne had just put a roast beef dinner on the table so we got to eat with them. Yummy stuff. I love to get to eat somewhere else on Sundays. Perfect ending!

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The Clark said...

such a darling family you have!!

it was super fun to see you guys.

love you!

Jonna said...

Wow...beautiful family! You guys never let grass grow under your feet...I admire you for that.

MZB said...

What a fun time we had. Thank you, for everything!

Leslie said...

What a cute little mouse there at the end! We had such an amazing time with you and Jeff. This summer has been so stressful for me, that it was just what I needed. A break from reality and someone to take good care of me for a couple days. You guys are the best. Thanks for everything. THe party starts when you guys get to town! :)

barbchuck said...

Wow! That WAS a whirlwind trip! I loved all the pictures of the grandkids and the great grandkids, and, of course, of you and Jeff. Everyone is so cute and so good-looking, and so funny and fun. What a family! I am so proud!!

cmz^3 said...

FUN TIMES! I can't wait until I get to go to school!
EL Margot.

Welcome to the Garden of Egan said...

Wow! You are a busy woman! Sounds like things were so fun and your fam looks so cute. They've changed in the last few years. CUTE

The Idaho Shaum's said...

Mary it was fun to hear from you. I was pregnant with Garett my 12 year old when we were in YW together. Wow time flies Looks like your life is just as exciting as ever and also fullfilling. Kim Shaum