Thursday, July 24, 2008

Thank you pioneers. Happy Pioneer Day

A few years ago Jeff and I went to Martins Cove as the Medical people. We did the trek there with a handcart. It was an amazing humbling experience to see where the pioneers trekked. It is very tough country. We saw where wives left there husbands and children's bodies hung in trees so they would not have to see the wolves eat them. The ground was frozen so they could not bury them. We crossed the streams they crossed in freezing water and climbed the hills they climbed with their handcarts. Take a minute to remember those who crossed the country in terrible circumstances. Look at Berta's blog today. She has a story of the rescue. It will make you very appreciative of what you have and what many sacrificed.

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Berta said...

SWEET PICTURES! Great post and great thoughts about 'today'!

Leslie said...

I remember when we were little and we walked from our log house to the Neville's house a mile away and we were complaining about it and you sang that song to us that went something like this: "The pioneer children, they walked and walked and walked...."
We do have much to be thankful for.

Beth said...

Nice reminder of our cushy life.

Jonna said...

Mary that was a sweet post. Kenny & I also went to Martin's Cove. We were a Ma & Pa a couple years ago with our 10 children. (YW/YM)
It was a great experience, and difficult at times, however, you
knew in your heart that it was so simple compared to what the pioneers faced. I think we must have all been thinking about them yesterday.