Sunday, May 03, 2020

Hunedoara Romania October 2019

On our way to see a castle we traveled through a gypsy village. There were lots of mansions with very ornate roofs and decor not the houses. The guide told us that they are actually very wealthy due to some the things that they do. It was fascinating to see.

 This castle was one of the most beautiful castles I had seen. It was a Cinderella kind of place. 

 There was a large court yard in the center. 

 I can just imagine how magnificent this must have been in the day when it was a functioning castle. 
 They had some actors put on a musical show for us. 

 I came around the corner and saw this man sitting in the sun light. I asked to take a picture with him. He kindly said yes. 

 Our guides were awesome. 

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