We decided to go for a ride with the top down on the car. Floyd needed some protection for his head so I got out the bandanna that I never leave the house without. I need to do a post on all the handy things you can do with one. I'm tellin ya, it will be your favorite possession. Today we made a dew rag out of it to cover his head. Bad dude huh?
This is our little doorman. He lives in the light. Every time we come in and out he greets us then scampers back into the light.
The monk seals are out on the beach this morning napping in the sun.
Jeff and Floyd hanging out on the deck.
It that lizard for real!
looks awful. the sights are just terrible. ;) hope you're having a grand old time!
Yes the gecko is for real. We saw him again tonight. He waits for us.
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