Tuesday, November 11, 2008

A Veterans Day

Today is Veterans Day. As we drove thru the streets of Rexburg on the way to the cemetery for Charles Zollinger's burial, I noticed that the streets were lined with flags. I looked ahead at the hearse and saw the flag draped coffin in the back window. What a nice site to see all of the flags lining the route. Charles served in the Military during World War ll. It was a sad day but there were so many nice things that happened. It was an extra special Veterans Day for all that attended the services. Thanks to everyone who contributed to making it a special day.

Thanks to all who have served our country.

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Beth said...

It was a touching funeral, appropriately held on Veterans Day. As always it was great to see all of you. I hope you and Jeff can settle down and relax a bit after your big open house. Thanks for the private tour, you've done agreat job on the remodel.

MZB said...

Great pictures!

Leslie said...

Nice pics...such a sad event, but it is portrayed so touchingly through those pictures. Sorry we had to cut and run so fast after the services. Hope everything went well with your big open house today...send me an update! Big hugs to you and Jeff.

suzan said...

Jeff and Mary,
I am so sorry to hear about the loss of your father. The pictures are beautiful and very moving. It really brings the true meaning of Vetrans Day to heart.