Friday, November 21, 2008

A Broadway play about me?

I have been too busy to do much posting lately. So I am putting a link for a blog that I like to look at. It is also on my sidebar. This lady puts a question up everyday that you have one minute to answer. They are fun to read. Today I posted an answer to her question...If they wrote a Broadway play about you what would the title be and a review of the play. If you have time go there and write one of your own. But comment here that you did so I can go read it. Fun blog site.


Becca's Creative Jewelry Design said...

Mary,That is such a good picture of you and Jeff, you both look so young and fit!!

g.suzie said...

Mary, ditto to Rebecca's comment, that is a great picture of you and Jeff! I keep watching for DC blog keep us posted on the progress. . .