Thursday, October 30, 2008

One world, one skirt

OK, day three is done. Pink blouse did the trick. One more day to go.

Some of you seemed kind of freaked out about the gun in the last post. Well check out the weapons on this guy. Click on the picture and check out the one he is carrying on his side. Can someone tell us what it is? Jeff thinks it is tear gas. You are never out of site of a gun here. Today when we got back to the Hotel they had a police dog that was sniffing all incoming luggage. Not sure if they were looking for drugs or bombs. Cute dog however.

Here is another picture from the bus ride of a little hacienda along the way. I think these places are very beautiful. They take good care of their homes as humble as they are.

Elder Zollinger working on his lecture.

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Clay Prince said...

From my experience in the video-game jungle, that looks like your basic handheld grenade launcher; could be used to fire tear gas canisters, or other incendiaries short range. The "bullets" look like great big shotgun shells, looks like he can pack a bunch of them.

Either that or it's a Columbian potato gun, I'm not sure...

Beth said...

So now that you've done 3 do YOU feel about wearing the same skirt 3 days in a row? I'm very proud of you! Why is the guy wandering around so heavily armed? Is that commonplace? Scarey. Maybe he's just dressed up like that for Halloween. Be Safe, Hugs & Kisses

Jeppesens said...

Looks like a scary place to me. We will be glad when you guys are safely back in Rexburg. The office is looking great. I am looking forward to the open house. See you on monday!!