Wednesday, August 06, 2008

Cuba makes you think

On Friday we flew home from Columbia. When we fly to and from South America we nearly always pass over Cuba. I try to imagine what is happening down below us. Probably not all good. It does make you stop and think about all of the good things in your world and how thankful you are to live where we do.

Sunday Jeff celebrated his birthday with a new Guitar Hero from the Clark's. Some of you are aware that Jeff is a closet Karaoke guy. He just added guitar playing to his list of secret things he likes to do. You can see his talented back up singers here with him. Guitar Hero was a hit with the guy who has everything!

My flowers are in their prime. It is a jungle along my front steps. And one more beautiful sunset. They have been so spectacular every night with jewel colored skies. As I mentioned in the beginning of this post, I am very thankful that I live in Rexburg Idaho where we are surrounded by beauty, family and friends.

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MZB said...

I think Rexburg has the prettiest sunsets

Drew and Valarie's Family Blog said...
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Drew and Valarie's Family Blog said...

Lol I have to say it's funny to see Jeff playing video games!!! Everyone else is fixed on the game! So funny! Happy birthday Jeff!!

Jonna said...

Mary I always love your posts. Probably because I see spectacular pictures of places I will probably never see in person. Love your new layout & header.

Leslie said...

those flowers are in your front beds? they are gorgeous. i aspire to be a good flower gardener like you. you should see my pots this year, they are making the grade.

also, fun to see jeffro with the gee-tar. he is such a funny dude. so loveable.

CassParelli said...

I wish I was living in Rexburg! Maybe one day? Great photography of the flowers and sunsets. Impressive. Happy Birthday to Jeff!

The Clark said...

i love that pic of the guitar hero's so much i made it my screen saver.

yes, rexburg wins the sunset award. no doubt.